Saturday, April 14, 2007

Weekend Comes

It's been a pretty uneventful weekend after a very busy week. Once again, the week just gone was the longest four day working week i've ever experienced. Back until past eight a few times, missing lunch due to the work on. I'm just glad it's over!

On the friday night was Rachel's farewell - I got mixed up and thought she was going to Dubai, but actually she's going to Mumbai. She had a great night - playing pranks and generally taking the piss out of people. She's pretty mischievous, so it's a shame she's leaving. Another office character on the way out! We went out to Crystal Bar, which is a really nice place actually. It's down about three flights of stairs in Martin Place, decked out in the most opulent curtains, drapes and cushions decor that I've seen in quite a while. As I was on my way to the drinks I bumped into Kay! She was wandering the streets looking for Bond street, and she was heading in totally the wrong direction - towards China Town, and she was already almost at King Street. I walked her to Bond street, chatting away, and found out that she is in town until the end of May. So cool! I haven't been able to hang out with Kay in a long time, since she moved to Perth. Usually her trips back are for two or three days, and she's got to catch up with so many people during that time that we only get to meet up for a coffee for half an hour or so.

So I spent the night dashing between the two parties and getting texts from the other party whenever I was at one ('Where R u?', etc) but it was still a great night out. Until later, when Mindy called. She was really upset and depressed - the long distance relationship thing is hard. I'm glad she's having fun and enjoying England, but I wish I could go with her. We spent almost an hour talking on the phone about various things and hopefully sorted a few things out. It's still all a bit new and unsettling right now. Maybe things will calm down in a week or two and then it'll only be two months to go! Hopefully I'm joining her for 2-3 weeks in July! Yay! The plan currently is to meet outside the UK, as she finishes work in late January. So Maybe Italy, Spain or France is what I'm thinking. I've never been to Spain or France, and Italy is just great so I wouldn't mind going there again. I think Mindy has her heart set on Italy, so I'll have to try and convince Luke and Ceez to join us there. The only problem is that they're attending a wedding in Paris, so they can't exactly not go to that.

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