Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The London Times

The first week here was a bit of a non-starter. The first two to three days I was getting over my jetlag and falling asleep in the mid-afternoon. I was just getting over that, when Mindy fell ill with a high fever and I spent my time taking care of her during her convalescence. Somehow the word had got around her work that I'd arrived although she swears that noone knew. So naturally her boss and everyone assumed she was "sick" from work because I'd arrived. Oh well - seems like no trouble from it anyway.

This week I've done more exploring around town. Mindy and I went to the National Gallery and the British Museum in the past few days. The artifacts in the museum are pretty incredible, if a little daunting - it seems like the most precious items from a handful of cultures are boxed up in that building. Including an almost complete ancient temple from Turkey. The gallery was great, but a bit overwhelming - too many classic paintings in one go. I did visit again on another day and went through another wing. I'm not sure the place ends anywhere.

I've been looking at the UK job market out of curiosity and was getting a bit discouraged after applying for a plethora of jobs online without any results. I mean, I was hoping at least for a couple of rejects or "we'll keep your CV on file" responses. But.. nothing. So, like I say, I was getting a bit disheartened when today I called up a recruiter that Mindy had recommended. I got through and the recruiter I spoke to said my CV sounded "brilliant" over the phone. I sent through a soft copy and she emailed me back details of three positions that she thought sounded suitable for me right now. I'm meeting with her tomorrow to talk through some details. So once again feeling better about the whole deal! Obviously I'll have to head back to Sydney for a couple of months more at the least to finish my uni exams this semester.

Speaking of which... have to check my exam timetable and make sure I don't have any assignments creeping up on me. Pretty sure that I have another week in the clear, but I should probably get started on my next c++ programming assignment. Damn I'm hating c++ right now!

Oh, and some new photos are up from London!

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