Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Just got back from soccer and I'm feeling a lot better, i think. Even though I wasn't looking forward to it, it was fun to run around and chase a ball again. I made a couple of good runs, but both times the ball was nicked off my boot just as i was winding back to shoot. In frustration, i took a punt at goal from further out, but only succeeded in hitting their fat defender in the ribs under his arm. Oh well, at least it was a good kick.

Work was really hectic and strange. I've only got one important project to finish before i go on Friday, but I keep getting given this little trifling stuff that's pretty distracting. I figure as long as I get the big one done it doesn't really matter about the others.

As I got home, Eugene was just showing another potential tenant around the house. Markus and his friend Marie. After we were clear that we were only looking for a single tenant (and they said that Marie was just a friend, not moving in) we got to chatting and sat down and had some tea. Markus seemed ok, if a bit stiff. I got a phone call while we were chatting and it turned out to be another girl who was looking for a place. She introduced herself as Kimberley, and she'd moved up from Melbourne and was working for Channel 7. As I was planning to work later tomorrow night, I arranged for her to come see the place on Friday night. I got a good vibe from her and we were able to chat for a while. She sounded really positive and keen on the house as she'd already decided that she really wanted to live in Glebe. So, we'll see i guess!

Right now, Zatoichi is on tv - awesome movie! Blind swordsman comes to town, fights with swords, administers justice. Transvestite geishas out for revenge, Mad deluded Samurai boy, lots of sitting on the floor and drinking sake! Gonna go watch it now

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